Last week our Business Development Manager, Nancy, participated in the Second Industry Visit of 2023 for Ambassadors and Representatives stationed in Taiwan. This event, organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), brought together ambassadors and representatives from 18 countries to showcase Taiwan’s expanding new energy industries and cutting-edge technology, including waste refining technologies, solar energy systems, and the development of the circular economy. The event aimed to provide participants with first-hand experience of innovative technology while fostering avenues for potential collaborations in the future.

本辦事處商業開發經理 Nancy 參與 2023 駐臺外交暨商務人員企業參訪團活動,本活動為由外交部舉辦,邀請來自 18 個不同國家大使、代表及商務人員共同參與,介紹我國新能源產業以及創新科技發展,包含多元廢料源的回收及精煉技術、轉化廢紡織纖維為固體回收燃料之能力,以及太陽光電發電系統、循環經濟等產業發展現況。本活動旨於提供各國大使、代表及商務人員親身體驗台灣產業的新趨勢,以期未來開拓雙邊的商機及合作機會。

Nancy (First row, five from right) poses with the MOFA Department of International Organizations Director General, ambassadors, and other representatives. 本處商業開發經理 Nancy (一排右五)與外交部國際合作及經濟事務司司長、各國大使,及其他蒞臨代表合影。

Nancy (Second row, Second from right) poses with the MOFA Department of International Organizations Director General, ambassadors, and other representatives. 本處商業開發經理 Nancy (二排右二)與外交部國際合作及經濟事務司司長、各國大使,及其他蒞臨代表合影。