On November 22nd, the American State Offices Association (ASOA) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) co-organized a year-end appreciation banquet.

Our director, Liran Golan, and business development manager, Nancy Yang, attended the event to meet and greet companies and associations’ representatives.

Click here to view one of several press releases (Chinese).


本處處長 Liran 及商務開發經理 Nancy 受邀出席,和與會協會及政府單位代表會面交流。


Liran Golan (five from right) poses with MOFA Department of North American Affairs Director General, ASOA president, fellow state trade and investment office directors, and other honored guests. 葛禮仁(右五)與外交部北美司司長、美國各州政府辦事處協會會長、他州辦事處處長,及其他蒞臨嘉賓合影。